Chemistry of 3d printing
You do not need to know this to do 3d printing, but you might just be interested. Just as background on what I know, I have a Ph.D. in chemistry, and did a lot of work on free radical reactions for my thesis, though not polymerisation. "Normal" Chemistry Virtually all the organic chemistry taught in an undergraduate course is about positive and negative attracted to each other, and pairs of electrons moving around. Electrons really want to be in pairs. When you look at the structure of an organic compound, each bond is a pair of electrons. Here is an example reaction. Each letter or pair of letters represents an atom, in this case hydrogen, carbon and bromine atoms. Straight lines between them indicate bonds - each line is a pair of electrons shared between the atoms at each end. Two straight lines together is a double bond, so four electrons. Chemists use curly arrows to indicate the movement of electron pairs. The H of H-Br is somewhat positive, and the double bond of ethen...