MS 3D Builder
3D Builder is a Microsoft app that I routinely use to correct issues with models. Any STL file exported from Blender is opened in 3D Builder, imported, and then saved in a different folder, whether the model was corrected or not.
I would guess at least eight out of every ten models need to be corrected, so this is great.
If it finds issues, it will put a pink box round the base of the object, and I ask if I want to import it. The progress will quickly get to about 80%, then stick there for a while. Sometime a long while! But it always gets there in the end.
Today I had a model that is different.
It has the red box, but rather than a faded, almost pink red, it was a bright red.
And when I imported it, it stuck at about 25% for a while, as well as 80%. Though it did get there in the end, I guess in about 15 minutes so not too long.I cannot find much in the way of documentation on 3D Builder. Plenty of tutorials for beginners, but nothing of any depth.
As you can see from the image, there is a Help menu, which has a "User guide" option.... But it just goes to a page that apologies for the requested page being missing.
You kind of get the impression they do not want you knowing...
So I am guess there was another type of errors in this model, and perhaps the box is bright red because there are actually two boxes there, one for each error type.
I would love to know what was different about the above model. It is a row of passenger trolleys, and a single trolley did not do that. But who knows?
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