"Tip-Air" Dry Powder Wagons

Here are some "tip-air" wagons, the prototype can be found here. The dry powder is taken out by raising the hopper to an angle of 12° with a hydraulic piston at one end, and then blowing out with compressed air.

I designed these some time ago, and a friend has a go at printing them, but there were issues. The first run I did I found they were slightly too long for the base (a Farish PCA wagon).

With some adjustment, I think they look pretty good.

I did the walkways as separate pieces, and in hindsight would try doing it all in one next time. They do have a diamond pattern visible on them, but you have to look pretty close. The ladders are brass.

The transfer were created in InkScape, and might be a bit overscale. They were stressed before printing to give a faded effect.

There is an interesting image of the prototype here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/27033094837/in/album-72157668581940828


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